Sunday, April 24, 2011

Peninsula de Punta Fuego

We arrived in Punta Fuego on a Saturday afternoon and headed to the Clubhouse right before sundown. I didn't plan on swimming that day, as I just wanted to catch up on my reading and finally finish the Sarah G. tell-all on Yes! while sipping frozen margarita (which I had been daydreaming about for weeks).

Anyway, the Clubhouse ran out of margaritas and since I wanted to drink something very cold, I settled for a tall glass of banana shake. And as it turned out, I flipped barely two pages of Yes! (My Yes! March issue is well-traveled. Hehe.)

The next morning I woke up to this:
How about having the green for your backyard with a commanding view of the sea? :)

We then hit the beach...

Nature heals.

Peace be with you.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What I'm missing

Growing up in a family where food seems to be a legitimate indulgence, my philosophy is, when on a trip, I try as much local fare as I can, and hoard everything in my stomach, since most of it is not available back home (and even if it is, it doesn't taste the same) or I couldn't bring it home with me. (Once, in Bangkok, I badly wanted to bring home street-style Thai iced milk tea but knowing I couldn't, I just had it almost everyday during the trip. Hehe.)

I've been fortunate to have visited Singapore a few times in recent months, and while I could only do so much damage to my wallet during those trips, food and drink were an obvious exception. I am now partial to anything made in Singapore, especially that which I can hoard in my stomach. :)

It will be nice to fly to Singapore on a foodie whim, but until my budget permits, perhaps I can settle for alternatives to these:

Chicken rice from my favorite hawkers:

Wee Nam Kee

Tong Fong Fatt

Tian Tian


Wee Nam Kee cereal prawns

Long Beach chili crabs

Minute Maid White Grape

Milo dinosaur

Tong Heng egg tarts

During my last trip, I asked the aunties from Tong Heng if the shelf life of the egg tarts would allow me to bring them home as pasalubong, and was told that they should be refrigerated in no more than a day after purchase. So you can buy a few hours before going to the airport for your return flight. By the way, hand carry only! :)

And while not made in Singapore, a slice of Ikea's Daim cake is love. (This I can bring home in a box for around SGD10. Shelf life is more than a year.)

Wee Nam Kee is at Novena Ville, Thomson Road; Tong Fong Fatt, at Amoy Food Centre; Tian Tian, at Maxwell Food Centre; Long Beach, at Dempsey Hill; and Tong Heng Confectionery, at South Bridge Road.


May we know when to hold on and wait for a second chance, and when to let go and turn over a new leaf. Happy Easter!